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Visit by Mayor Fumiko Hayashi of Yokohama City on 10th anniversary of partnership agreement with Taipei City

Mayor Hayashi made an official visit to Mayor Ko Wen-je of Taipei City on 21 October this year (2016). Mayor Ko extended a warm welcome and presented Mayor Hayashi with a key to the city key. The two mayors then witnessed the signing of the wildlife conservation MOU by the Yokohama and Taipei zoos.
It is ten years since Yokohama and Taipei became partner cities, and Mayor Ko visited Yokohama just this January. Mayor Hayashi’s returning the visit during this special anniversary year is a perfect demonstration of how important the two cities are for each other and how they cherish their friendship.
In addition to visiting the city government, Mayor Hayashi and her delegation also called on the Taipei City Council and the Taiwan External Trade Development, made city administration visits to the National Palace Museum and the Flora Exposition, and attended the International Design House Exhibition, a World Design Capital Taipei 2016 event. Lastly, they gave an interview at the Taipei Broadcasting Station.
Mayor Hayashi said in an interview that it was her first time in Taiwan since being elected mayor, and that it was a special honour and a real pleasure. In the future, she hopes to further solidify and broaden the exchanges and collaboration between Taipei and Yokohama.