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Cold spell increases the likelihood of stroke

A cold air mass is expected to begin to impact Taiwan on Sunday. Temperatures in open areas of central and northern Taiwan could dip to as low as 8 degrees Celsius, the Central Weather Bureau said. From December 19 to December 22, 27 out-of-hospital cardiac arrest cases were reported across Taipei. Most cases happened among older people, and occurred in their homes. While it's challenging to determine whether the cold was the cause for the increase in emergencies, citizens are advised to stay warm. 

As temperatures change suddenly, citizens should keep an eye on stroke, heart disease, myocardial infarction, heart failure and other symptoms, especially the elderly or patients with "three highs" (hypertension, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia). They should not ignore the warning signs of the body, or frequently enter places with significant temperature differences. Besides, citizens should take medication regularly, avoid exercising in the early morning or late at night, and regularly monitor the blood pressure.

Taipei City Fire Department emphasizes that symptoms such as chest pain, tightness, dyspnea, cold sweating, nausea and vomiting may be signs of myocardial infarction accompanied by myocardial damage and necrosis. According to medical guidelines, patient should arrive at the emergency room no later than 90 minutes after the endovascular thrombectomy has been completed. "Immediate" treatment is essential to reduce mortality and avoiding the chance of future heart failure. Taipei City Fire Department urges citizens to heed the professional advice from EMTs, trust that the patient will be sent to the most appropriate medical facility, and refrain from specifying a particular hospital.